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FIC 2016 : “Data 2030” workshop facilitated by Corix Partners

JC Gaillard FIC 2016 "Data 2030" workshop photo

Corix Partners was delighted to facilitate a workshop on 26th January 2016 at FIC 2016, the 8th edition of the International Cyber Security Forum held annually in Lille, France.

The panel discussion was structured around the theme “Data 2030” and was facilitated by JC Gaillard. Many thanks to fellow panellists Erik Barnett, Nicolas Diaz, Pierre Nkoa and Hugo Zylberberg and to the audience for a great debate.

The discussion echoed many of the themes developed earlier in our 2015 white paper “IOT, Big Data, Cloud: Take Security and Privacy Seriously to Stay in the Game” which can be downloaded here.

Finally, our thanks to the FIC organisers for their invitation and we look forward to further opportunities to partnering on such events.


Find out more about how your business can truly protect its future from cyber threats by contacting Corix Partners. Corix Partners is a Boutique Management Consultancy Firm, focused on assisting CIOs and other C-level executives in resolving Cyber Security Strategy, Organisation & Governance challenges.

The International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC by its initials in French) is a platform aiming to promote a pan-european vision of cybersecurity and as well as strengthen the fight against cybercrime. It attracts over 4,000 visitors annually and over 100 industry partners, as well as leading politicians and public speakers. The 8th edition was dedicated to Data Security and Privacy.